Our History
The Formation of Dogwood Lodge
The initial discussion of the feasibility of forming a Lodge in the Aldergrove area was between the D.D.G.M. for the area known as District 25 and VWor. Bro. Thomas Woodhouse Foster. The D.D.G.M. at the time was our present Grand Master M.Wor.. Bro. Bill Unrau. V.Wor. Bro. Foster took up the challenge and thus the beginning of Dogwood Lodge. The date was in 1988 and V.Wor. Bro. Foster in his usual persuasive manner soon had a number of Brethren from other Lodges in the area willing to assist in the formation of the new Lodge.
Casual meetings were held in the homes of Brethren who had indicated they would be interested in becoming a member of the new Lodge. The number of interested brothers grew to the point where it was mutually agreed that we should form a club. A club was formed and the name chosen was Dogwood Square & Compass Club The membership fee was $50.00 and the money was used to rent space in the Aldergrove Community Centre and for other incidental expenses. Membership in the Dogwood Square & Compass continued to increase and a number of the members volunteered to fill the various positions of a regular Lodge. V.Wor. Bro. Foster was the unanimous choice to take the position of Worship Master. Later in my presentation I will read out the Officers who volunteered for the various chairs that form a regular Lodge.
There are 2 steps required to become a recognized Lodge. The first step is a request to Grand Lodge to be instituted and there are some qualifications that must be fulfilled to be granted Institution. A new Lodge as in the case of the Dogwood Square & Compass Club must be proficient in opening and closing a Lodge and also exemplify all the three degrees. These requirements must be completed to the satisfaction of the D.D.G.M. for the district. If the D.D.G.M. is satisfied with the work he has observed he recommends to the Grand Master that a Lodge be Instituted. If the Grand Master agrees a ceremony of Institution is arranged and the Lodge is then U.D., which means it is under dispensation for a period of time normally a year..
The ceremony of Dogwood Lodge being Instituted was held on October 6 1990 at the Eureka Lodge Hall in Langley. R.Wor. Bro. Tom Richards D.D.G.M. at that time was the presiding Officer for the ceremony. As mentioned earlier Dogwood Lodge U.D. was the designation given to the Lodge. Dogwood Square & Compass was then dissolved and the members became part of Dogwood Lodge U.D.
Under Dispensation Dogwood Lodge U.D. could accept new members and confer degrees to the new members. No members of another Lodge could affiliate with Dogwood Lodge U.D. at this time. Again Dogwood Lodge U.D. had to prove to the D.D.G.M. that they were proficient in the 3 degrees and capable of conducting a proper Lodge communication. The D.D.G.M. when satisfied that the Lodge was ready to be Constituted advised the Grand Master and a date was established for the ceremony of Constitution.
The date selected was August 23rd 1991 at the Gizeh Shrine Temple in Burnaby B.C. Most Worshipful Brother Edward B. Hearns presided in the East and was assisted by the other Officers of Grand Lodge in the ceremony of installing the Officers of Dogwood Lodge. Grand Lodge declared Dogwood Lodge as legally constituted to be known as Dogwood Lodge No. 192 on the registry of the Grand Lodge of British Columbia & the Yukon. The certificate of proclamation is displayed at all Lodge communications and is signed on the back by all the founding members.
Some of the newer brethren of Dogwood Lodge may not be familiar with the poem that appears on our Lodge notices. The poem was given by one of the members of the square & compass club and at one of the meetings it was regularly moved and seconded that the poem become part of our monthly notice sent to all members advising them of our next communication.
Founding Members
Adams, David L. | McCallum, Edward S.K. |
Beny, Rowland E. | McKenzie, Gordon C. |
Bhogal, Mohinder | Monehak, Michael |
Boyle, James | Moore, G. Arthur |
Brady, Robert | Mutter, James |
Cameron, Alexander | Neudorf, Con |
Chow, Herbert F.T. E | Olsson, Kenneth |
Cliff, David F. | Petty, John L. |
Coombs, George A. | Podjan, M. Edward A. |
Dickson, William A. | Porter, Ross L. |
Dunn, James | Purse, David C. |
Edwards, Michael J. | Rook-Green, Peter G. |
Edwards, William | Rush, David |
Evans, Brian G. | Sills, Vernon E. |
Farquhar, Thomas D.L. | Smith, J. Edward |
Foster, Thomas W. | Stocking, Bryan J. |
Frick, E. Albert | Thompson, David A. |
Heichert, Ernest | Thombury, Douglas |
Kitching, Stanley | Tompkins, Randy E. |
Lowe, Crossley M. | Underwood, Robert |
Lukow, James | Watson, J. Alan |
Macartney, Gilbert | Wrightman, Donald E. |
Original Members (During dispensation)
Grenier, Mario F.J — M.M.. | Lucia, Anthony — E.A. | |
Walter, Armin — E.A. |
First Officers Dogwood Lodge No. 192
Worshipful Master | W. Bro. T.W. Foster |
Immediate Past Master | W. Bro. B. Stocking |
Senior Warden | Bro. M.E.A. Podjan |
Junior Warden | Wor. Bro. V.E. Sills |
Chaplain | Bro. J. Mutter |
Treasurer | V.W. Bro. J.E. Smith |
Secretary | Wor. Bro. T.D.L. Farquhar |
Senior Deacon | Wor. Bro. G. McKenzie |
Junior Deacon | Bro. R. Underwood |
Director of Ceremonies | Wor. Bro. S. Kitching |
Senior Steward | Bro. W.A. Dickson |
Junior Deacon | Bro. E.S.K. McCallum |
Inner Guard | Bro. D. Purse |
Tyler | Wor. Bro. D. Rush |